

Look just under the surface of almost every conversation we are having these days is the theme of longing. Have you noticed it? We are longing for normalecy, for answers, and for timelines telling us when this will all be over. Dig down another layer and we discover a...

A is for Advocacy | Part 2: The Enemy Trap

A is for Advocacy | Part 2: The Enemy Trap

We have dismantled the idea of an advocate being a hero. Do you remember the other part of the advocacy myth? Like any good mythical tale, we like a good enemy to destroy, but is it about destruction? What is the goal of an advocate, again? To influence the opposition...

Recruiting, Hiring, Training and Retaining BRAVE Women

Recruiting, Hiring, Training and Retaining BRAVE Women

Recruiting, hiring, training and retaining the women you want on your team – the courageous, competent women; lets call them BRAVE Bridge Building Leaders - is not rocket science, but it will take adjustments to some widely held mindsets and practices. While every...

A is for Advocacy | Part 1: The Hero Trap

A is for Advocacy | Part 1: The Hero Trap

I was riding the King streetcar a year ago on the way to school. It was a busy car, filled with business people clutching briefcases, mothers and children, and fellow students with earbuds in drowning out the sounds of traffic. I was staring out the window looking at...

It Takes a Village to Raise a Leader

It Takes a Village to Raise a Leader

We stumbled across the connection between resiliency and leadership in the kind of serendipitous way that leaves you shaking your head. A friend was concerned about the students who were “slipping through the cracks” at high school. As he often said, they were not at...

What Do Your Jeans Say to You?

What Do Your Jeans Say to You?

As Samantha and I sat in our living room chatting, we began to realize that her long-term battle with food was more about fitting-in-ness than fitness. Sometimes we think that fitting into our jeans will finally enable us to feel like we truly fit in… or at least be a...

Pretty Princess or Wicked Witch

Pretty Princess or Wicked Witch

I grew up on stories of pretty princesses and wicked witches. It sometimes seemed that these were the main two options available to women – and who wants to be the wicked witch? We heard some stories of women who pioneered in their fields, of course, but they were...

The Beginnings of B.R.A.V.E.

The Beginnings of B.R.A.V.E.

Sometimes a question is so compelling it becomes a quest. I had just turned down the leadership of an organization that taught confidence to women because I did not feel capable for the role. In retrospect, I, of course, can see the irony; but I couldn’t at the time....